I choose to not run FTP on my server so when it comes time to upgrade WordPress, I do it manually. If, like me, you think that even the short instructions are too long, here are the even shorter instructions. These commands are done within an SSH shell on the server.
- Backup your existing WordPress install and database
- Download WordPress and upgrade using the below commands. Replace the directories with those specific to your system.
cd ~/downloads wget https://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz tar xvzf latest.tar.gz cd /var/www/wordpress rm -r wp-includes wp-admin cp -r ~/downloads/wordpress/wp-includes . cp -r ~/downloads/wordpress/wp-admin . rsync -rAv ~/downloads/wordpress/wp-content/ wp-content/ rsync -Av ~/downloads/wordpress/*.{php,html,txt} .
- Visit your main WordPress admin page at /wp-admin and upgrade the database if necessary.